Yes, the information contained in the info memorandum must be up-to-date, correct and complete and no material information must be missing when issuing a bond. This applies to the first issue as well as to subsequent issues. Updated information is published either via an addendum or a restatement.
Generally, eppf does not intend to provide any post-issuance transaction information in relation to any bond or the performance of any Back-To-Back Business in respect of such bond.
If no further issues are planned, continued updated information obligations may arise nonetheless when the bond is listed on an exchange or an exchange-regulated market according to the rules of procedure of the stock exchange/exchange regulated market require. The information updates will be announced by the relevant compartment in compliance with the publication methods prescribed in the terms and conditions of the bond. In most cases, these include the publication on the website of the exchange/ exchange regulated market, of the issuer or via the clearing system.
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